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June 2020 UPDATE

Pastor Tim Bates


  • One large Sunday School at 9:30am in the Family Life Center.

  • Sunday Worship at 10:30am in the Sanctuary.

  • Wednesday Worship in the Sanctuary at 7:00pm.

  • Monday Bible Study in Snellgrove Hall will resume June 15th at 9:00am.

  • Please continue to keep social distancing.

  • Face masks are recommended.

  • We will check temperatures before people enter the building.

  • Nursery is limited.

  • Online services will continue for the Sunday worship service.

  • Youth and the Young Adult Sunday School Class will continue to meet Sunday nights through Zoom.



The leadership of Southside Baptist Church announces that Jesus is Lord and that we will continue to worship Him! Responding in wisdom to the COVID-19 Pandemic situation and under guidelines from state and federal authorities, we are focusing on our ONLINE WORSHIP. Please join us on our YouTube Channel. There we will have regular Sunday morning services plus additional content. All other services and events have been postponed until further notice. Prayerfully, this will not last much longer. The office will still be opened. If there is any way we can minister to you please let us know.

Do not lose heart. Christ is still on the throne. Let’s continue to worship Him and point others to Him as well. We cannot meet together physically as we would prefer, but there are a few things we can do:

  1. PRAY.​​ Pray for Southside Baptist church and its leadership. We need God’s wisdom and His leading to accomplish His mission here on earth. Pray for each other for good health, protection from the virus, continual interaction in various forms, and witnessing opportunities.  If you have specific prayer requests, let us know using our new prayer request form.

  2. PRIORITIZE.  Keep the kingdom of God first, and His righteousness. Join in the Worship as it is being broadcast on different avenues across the internet. Be involved as we worship together in a unique way and invite others to join in.

  3. PROVIDE. Look for avenues of ministry. Check on those in your Sunday School class by calling and seeing how they are doing. Post your own videos and responses to encourage others. Make mask or look for other items to help out. Donate food to the association food pantry. Be attentive to the many ways we can be a blessing to one another, and be creative.

  4. PLAN. Plan on being a good steward of what God has entrusted you with. Use your talents so others can see Christ in you. Use your time wisely, take advantage of the alone time to spend time with God to grow deeper in your relationship with Him. Continue to faithfully give your tithes and offerings; drop off at the office, send in the mail, text to give, or use our new online giving. Plan to use your time, talents, and treasures to keep the ministry of Southside Baptist alive and well.

In Christ,
Tim Bates


Southside Baptist Church

Ozark, AL

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